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Topic: «Can't get TeamSpeak to start on selected monitor » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 5272
Derek Moss
Posts: 38
Joined: 09/30/2011
Posted: 01/29/2013 10:54:13
I normally run Teamspeak when using my Dual Monitors profile but just needed to load it whilst using my Triple Monitors profile (the third monitor is actually my TV).

I guess it was launching on the TV (which is off) rather than my second monitor (actually given number 3 in Windows/AMM) which it normally launches on when using my Dual Monitors profile.

So I thought I'd use AMM's Windows Settings-Specific Settings to make it launch on my second monitor so that I could see it but I couldn't get it to work. I used Sel ect Window from List and found it, which put TeamSpeak 3 in as the Window Caption and \ts3client_win64.exe as the program. I tested with Window Class (set to QWidget), Caption and Program all ticked and also with only one at a time. On Startup I set it to Exactly Specified-Monitor 3 and also tried Having Mouse Pointer.

As that didn't work I tried going to Multiple Monitors-Taskbar and setting it to Mixed so that I could see TeamSpeak in my primary taskbar. I tried using the Hotkey Win+/ to move it fr om the TV to one of my monitors but that didn't work either. In the end I got it visible by using Win+arrow keys.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/30/2013 02:47:08
Hello Derek.

Do you mean all that time the TV is off and you're unable to see the Teamspeak window?

Have you tried to turn on the TV whilst you lose the window?

Send us your configuration using the Send ti Tech Support tool.

Best regards.
Derek Moss
Posts: 38
Joined: 09/30/2011
Posted: 01/30/2013 05:42:36
Hi Bogdan

When Teamspeak starts it's on the TV, so with the TV off I can't see it. If I turn the TV on of course I'll be able to see the window but I want to avoid having to turn it on just so I can drag the window from the TV to my monitor and turn it off again, hence my attempt to use AMM to move the window instead. As I said, I managed to move it from the (off) TV to my monitor using Win+arrow keys but I want to get it to start on my monitor so I don't have to do that each time.

I don't have an e-mail program setup so AMM couldn't e-mail my config directly but I've uploaded it here

To download the zip, rather than the individual files, click File-Download in the top left corner.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/01/2013 02:20:42
Do you mean that with the 2-monitors profile Teamspeak window properly affected by the AMM and opens on the correct monitor according to Specific Settings and with the 3-monitors profile the problem occurs?

Do you switch between the profiles named Dual monitors and All three? Why does the profile named All three contains only 1 and 2 monitors?

Could you try to reproduce the issue not using the profiles at all, just switching the monitor three via standard Windows settings?

Best regards.
Derek Moss
Posts: 38
Joined: 09/30/2011
Posted: 02/01/2013 06:18:04
No, with Dual Monitors profile I didn't test using AMM to force Teamspeak onto my secondary monitor. I only tested using this with All Three and it doesn't work.

Yes, I use Dual Monitors and All Three profiles. The latter doesn't only contain two monitors, it contains Main(1), Secondary(3), TV(2). Dual Monitors contains just 1 and 3. I took a screenshot showing All Three but note there appears to be a bug as the refresh rate for 3 (Second Monitor) is blank and the dropdown only contains 29 and 30hz although Windows shows it's running at 60hz anyway so I doubt it's a problem. I'll recreate the profile to fix this anyway though.

I've tested as you asked. I launched Teamspeak which opened on my Main monitor(1), so I dragged it to my Secondary monitor(3). Then I closed it and re-opened it and it re-opened on Monitor 3, because that's where it last was, nothing to do with AMM. Then I activated the TV(2) using Windows settings and launched Teamspeak and it was not on either monitor, so AMM's feature to force it to a monitor (currently set to "Having mouse pointer") isn't working even if I don't switch monitor layouts using profiles. Then I de-activated the TV(2) again and re-launched Teamspeak and it opened on my Secondary monitor(3), due to Windows remembering where it was last launched when using two monitors.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/03/2013 00:45:45
Hello Derek.

Make sure that the TeamSpeak window is affected by AMM - try to enable some title buttons in the corresponding Specific Settings and check whether they appear in the TeamSpeak title bar.

The program which you run as administrator can't be affected by AMM if the option "Support system utilities" of AMM hasn't been enabled during the installation.

Best regards.
Derek Moss
Posts: 38
Joined: 09/30/2011
Posted: 02/03/2013 05:27:57
OK, looking at the settings for Teamspeak I can see that Recent folders and Favorite folders are enabled under Title Buttons but I'll try adding some others and see what happens.

I'm not sure if I installed with that option but I assume if I see the Title Buttons in the Teamspeak window, that means that it is being affected by AMM and so I either must have installed with that option or I'm not running it as administrator. I don't specifically need to run anything as administrator though, as my account is in the administrators group and UAC is disabled so I guess everything runs as administrator.

Oh, it seems to be working now, even without adding anything under Title Buttons and Teamspeak is starting on the specified monitor, or the monitor Having Mouse Pointer if I set that. I don't know what fixed it, although I updated my graphics driver from Cat 12.6 to 13.2 the other day. I don't see any Recent Folders or Favorite Folders Title Buttons in Teamspeak's window but that doesn't matter to me.

Thanks for your help.


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