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Topic: «Can't Remove "Maximize To Desktop" Icon » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 4237
Paul Winters
Posts: 2
Joined: 11/25/2012
Posted: 11/25/2012 12:35:02
I want to remove the "Maximize To Desktop" and "Move to Monitor" icons on my windows.


I have unchecked the corresponding boxes in the "Title Buttons" window but it does not seem to do anything and still displays.

I am on Windows 7 by the way.

Any ideas?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/26/2012 00:47:30
Hello Paul.

What exactly our product are you running (name, version)?

Are you talking about Title Buttons tab of default settings or of some specific settings?

Best regards.
Paul Winters
Posts: 2
Joined: 11/25/2012
Posted: 11/26/2012 12:01:47
I am running 4.3 of "Actual Multiple Monitors"

It seems to appear on Firefox and Skype and some other program, it is pretty weird since it does not appear on IE or Photoshop.

Here is a better screenshot:

In the Windows Menu none of the boxes are checked either, so I'm not sure why it's still displaying.

Please advise.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/26/2012 20:45:14
Paul, you have unregistered version of Actual Multiple Monitors, which shouldn't provide the title buttons feature at all. Appearing of title buttons on any window in your case it is not normal.

Do you use other Actual Tools products along with Actual Multiple Monitors?

If you don't, please do the following:
- Launch Actual Multiple Monitors
- In the notification area (system tray) context menu for Actual Multiple Monitors (right click on the Actual Multiple Monitors icon) select “Logging” and then “Enable logging”
- In the same context menu select Logging > Show Log Window. It opens the Log window, where Actual Multiple Monitors displays the windows which it tracks, Settings that are applied to these windows etc.
- If the window contains some entries, then right-click the working area and select the “Clear Log” item.
- When the log window is clear, open Firefox and check the new entries that appear in the log window and what setting are applied to it. Also you can make a screenshot of the log window and send to us.

Best regards.

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