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Topic: «2nd monitor task bar , 2nd monitor task bar issues » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 4262
Robert Baldauf
Posts: 2
Joined: 07/16/2012
Posted: 07/16/2012 12:05:45
since uprading to 4.1 if I turn on multiple monitor taskbar, EVERYTHING locks up except any IE windows already open. if i ctrl-alt-del and start task manager even that is locked up. If I start an advanced process explorer first and launch AMM...everything locks up, but I kan kill AMM process and everything works again (if I had clicked on any icon while it was "locked up" those programs suddenly launch after I kill AMM.
If I disable multiple monitor taskbar, all else works fine.
windows 7 64....ATI all-in-wonder HD...
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 07/17/2012 01:00:41
Hello Robert.

Are you sure this problem is associated with upgrade of AMM? Please make sure that the problem doesn't occur with AMM 4.0.

How many days ago have you downloaded the new version? Installation file has been refreshed several times (the last time - 12th of july). If your version is not the latest please download AMM 4.1 again and check whether the problem still persists.

Best regards.
Robert Baldauf
Posts: 2
Joined: 07/16/2012
Posted: 07/17/2012 05:54:43
had ver. 4.0 downloaded 3/12...problem was not there.
while trouble shooting yesterday I removed 4.1, downloaded a fresh copy and re-installed. Problem persists.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 07/17/2012 22:51:03
Please install version 4.0 again and check whether the problem still persists.

Best regards.

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