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Topic: «AWM > Desktop Divider > Hotkey Can't = None , Can't create "None" » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 12043
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 11/12/2014 05:37:32
And we will consider this feature request:
So perhaps the most user friendly solution is to add a "Clear" button after the non-modifier key input box, which replicates the functionality of pressing a modifier key in that input box.

Best regards!
There are two general approaches to this concern.

Method #1) Each hotkey has controls for alt, ctrl, shift, win, and keycode (As Implemented). The problem with this method is there can be many controls to manage and it's easy to have a UI problem created. To "clear" the keycode/scancode an additional button could exist to remove the association. A checkbox could exist to enable/disable all of the associated controls/fields and effectively perform the same feature with the added bonus of retaining all of the 'data' keycode/scancode until the end-user enabled in the future. The code then just creates hooks for 'enabled' items.

Method #2) There is a single field for each hotkey. When the end-user press the key combination in the hotkey field a non-editable representation is displayed. The hotkey control/field could also have an added enabled or clear depending on how one wanted to implement the feature. The advantage with this method is removing the number of controls/fields having to be managed. An excellent representation of this method is in a product called True Launch Bar and under 'menus' (right-click) you can associate a hotkey (also via CTRL+H). They use an "X" or CTRL to remove the associated hotkey. It's worth installing the product and looking at it.

Regardless, in any product which allows hotkeys to be assigned, it should have the ability to identify preexisting hotkeys hooks fr om other products and notify the end-user that combination isn't available (should they attempt to assign in AWM). I'd also like to see a one-stop location wh ere I can see a list of all the hotkey hooks assigned in the product, including identified 'other' hotkey hooks identified by external sources, when possible.

Posts: 50
Joined: 03/18/2014
Posted: 11/12/2014 12:06:14
Regardless, in any product which allows hotkeys to be assigned, it should have the ability to identify preexisting hotkeys hooks fr om other products and notify the end-user that combination isn't available (should they attempt to assign in AWM). I'd also like to see a one-stop location wh ere I can see a list of all the hotkey hooks assigned in the product, including identified 'other' hotkey hooks identified by external sources, when possible.

I don't think this functionality exists in any product I can think of that allows hotkeys to be assigned. Listing every hotkeys that are taken up by the system is a nice-to-have utility for a niche customer base and I'm sure a solution for that exists somewhere, but I think fair to say outside of the scope of a window manager.

It supports hotkey assignment, as other products do, and goes beyond that basic level of support by properly detecting and warning of system conflicts. I have not seen even dedicated hotkey assignment tools like AutoHotKey or AutoIT do such a thing. To complicate an already complex interface for what's clearly and accurately described as being a window manager, with a listing of every assigned hotkey would almost merit a spinoff product like Actual Hotkey Manager that could be ultimately, down the line, be added to AWM once it's ready.

The direction of adding more and more to create a super-product is almost to suggest that extending every feature that exists in the product to cover every possible use case is a good idea. I think this is a balance that would be heading in the wrong direction of what this product is designed for, particularly given the other feedback of interface complexity expressed by other users in this forum.
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 11/12/2014 15:53:33
I don't think this functionality exists in any product I can think of that allows hotkeys to be assigned. Listing every hotkeys that are taken up by the system is a nice-to-have utility for a niche customer base and I'm sure a solution for that exists somewhere, but I think fair to say outside of the scope of a window manager.
I don't agree about it being a niche product. It's all about quality, control and informing the end-user so their time isn't wasted. Obviously, this concept is completely foreign to Microsoft. In general I get concerned about any product implementation with hotkey hooks in the system as almost all don't work correctly and have memory leaks. Further, having more than one running on a system, if it can't tell you the hotkey has already been allocated results in unexpected behavior from the end-user perspective. Am I expecting AWM to have the ability to inform me when I attempt to allocate a hotkey which is already hooked in the system? Nope, sure would be nice feature. I've found over the years if you don't put the concept into play you can expect to wait forever to see it. I've developed solutions to extremely complex problems which developers spent years working on and could never get to work correctly, then I get involved, have a few conversations with the stakeholders, play with the product myself as how I would want it to work (as in not wasting any of my time, a tool for empowering) and then I create a working solution within a week or two.

Outside the scope of a window manager - only if you remove the hotkey functionality.

As far as AutoHotKey it's a power tool and as with 99 percent of modern software it acts as if its the only guy in town.

I agree with you AWM already has a complex interface -- it needs to be improved and I've made suggestions in other threads how this can be achieved and yet provide significantly more control and power to the end-user. Ever since the inheritance implementation in 8.x, I've find minimal value in the tool as it's creating more problems than solutions.

I think you are over analyzing the hotkey assignment/check feature for which I've suggested.

Posts: 50
Joined: 03/18/2014
Posted: 11/15/2014 00:17:03
Ever since the inheritance implementation in 8.x, I've find minimal value in the tool as it's creating more problems than solutions.
I have difficulty managing windows as well, but one method that greatly decreased my frustration was totally unrelated to software. To better manage 3 monitors and windows opening everywhere I invested in a quality mouse and mouse surface.

I'm using a Razer Mamba on an Ulti-Mat Teflon Coated Steel Mouse Pad. I feel it's worth the expense, since the teflon glides like air and the Razer has a 6400 dpi sensor that samples at 1000 times a second. For comparison, a typical desktop mouse has 1/16th the resolution (400 dpi) and 1/8th the sample rate (125 Hz).

It really helps flick across monitors with extreme precision to grab any window and put it where I want it much faster. The tactile feedback is much less "resistant" so it helps feel like I'm not always fighting with the computer and different enough that it actually becomes pleasant in daily use. It may be worth a try in addition to the software, and the suggestions you've proposed can only help further.
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 11/15/2014 10:48:02
Yeah, the sensor sampling at 1000x is very nice. That's where I have my set. As far as the DPI sensitivity level, I don't go higher than 2750 as the movement is becomes too fast. I have the Logitech laser model that goes to 3600 DPI, but I think their implementation of "Acceleration (Enhanced Pointer Precision)" is not as refined as needed for higher DPI settings. In general I'm moving away permanently from Logitech as they are not responsive to software concerns.

I really find the limited default Windows mouse pointer collection to be, well, they get an "F" Grade from me considering the time they have had to develop and enhance the OS. I've found the mouse pointer selection is critical to enhanced productivity and I still haven't found the 'right' mouse pointer set yet.

I only have two monitors, so I appreciate the extra complexity to effectively manage more monitor configurations.

I'm going to be developing a white paper for my concept of how AWM could (should) implement the windows 'rules' as I don't want to write an AWM product myself and market it, I'll just provide my thoughts, theory, and road map and let everyone kick the tires, provide feedback and see if we can get the developers on board for more power for less effort (both ours and theirs). It will take me a couple of weeks, hopefully, I'll have it done before the end of the year -- I have much on my plate.

Posts: 50
Joined: 03/18/2014
Posted: 11/15/2014 15:05:42
The higher resolutions are only usable when the mouse sensitivity native to Windows is set to lowest. The Razer software also provides an enhanced acceleration curve than Windows does with that checkbox enabled.

Despite the higher resolution mine is almost perfectly still to give per-pixel precision unless I'm moving it with the purpose of having the cursor move a greater distance. That flexibility is ultimately what results in the precision for me since the gradual sensitivity appropriate for that moment is evaluated according to the acceleration curve with every update of the cursor at the same 1000 Hz rate.

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