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Topic: «alt + tab » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 26440
Posts: 36
Joined: 07/18/2009
Posted: 09/19/2009 14:59:23
is there a way to hide a small unsightly window that appears when pressing alt + tab ? it's important for me to get rid of it, because:

- i never use this key-combination the way it is supposed to be used in the majority of cases (i mean pressing ALT and then several times - TAB). i press alt + tab only when i need to switch not more than between 2 applications

- mostly i'm using completely different way of switching between all opened windows (alt + esc, alt + shift + esc; click on mouse-wheel, which also performs alt + esc). in order to make usage of them more convenient i wrote 2 macros for these 2 key-combinations and launch these combinations just by pressing caps lock or ~

this is not ideal way, of course. for example, i would prefer to switch between windows (maybe, taking into consideration the minimized ones too) just by activating the next (or the previous) window with 1 my hot-key, - not by moving a window to the very background like i'm obliged to do now.
if someone knows a method how to fulfit it, i would be grateful
Tatiana Jack
Posts: 616
Joined: 08/06/2008
Posted: 09/29/2009 02:19:35
Dear Maks,

Unfortunately, our program can help you to hide the window only if you are using Windows Vista with Aero theme. On other system with classic theme it is impossible.

Posts: 36
Joined: 07/18/2009
Posted: 09/30/2009 18:38:08
luckily, i don't use vista or seven 8) still it's sad that it is impossible even to make this window 100%-transparent or make it always stay in background

in addition, i would like to specify - is it possible to include (maybe, into the upcoming 5.5-update) just 2 lines in general preferences - triggers - hot-keys? :

1) action - activate previous window (of task-bar)
2) action - activate next window (of task-bar)

! i mean NOT sending the current active window to background (like alt+esc does), but well-defined activating of the previous/next window (even if it is minimized)

as i understand, this is the feature that is obviously needed. in the end, we use OS Windows, but still do not have normal way of switching between windows
Tatiana Jack
Posts: 616
Joined: 08/06/2008
Posted: 10/02/2009 00:54:03
Thank you, Maks!

I added your wish to our base of future changes.

Posts: 36
Joined: 07/18/2009
Posted: 10/02/2009 05:10:31
i would like to mention just one more similar wish. it would be great to have such a line in general preferences - triggers - hot-keys :

action - activate next window (of task-bar) (BUT: next pressing of this hot-key activates previous window, one more pressing - again switching to the next one and so on)

it is something like alt+tab does, but much more convenient, because:
1) in this case we will always know exactly what are those 2 windows we are swiching between (unfortunately, alt+tab may switch both to the previous window and to the next one without logic)
2) we don't have to tolerate the window apperaing when pressing alt+tab (when we need to switch only between 2 windows several times)
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/24/2009 05:39:19
maks wrote:
1) action - activate previous window (of task-bar)
2) action - activate next window (of task-bar)

Max, did you try to use Win+Tab / Shift+Win+Tab system hotkeys? They are used to select the active taskbar button. After selecting the required button you just need to hit Enter to activate button's corresponding window.

Of course, this is not exactly what you required but it may be sufficient for your needs.
Posts: 36
Joined: 07/18/2009
Posted: 12/24/2009 17:47:05
Alex Fadeyev,
thanks for the reply anyway, but of course win + tab (shift + win + tab) is not acceptable for me at all
my aim is to make work with all the windows in my XP SP 2 much more easier and convenient than it is designed by microsoft

by now i found more or less normal way out. in a few words: one person made a script at my request (in a program for programmers "Auto It"), it was compiled into exe-file. exe is in the auto-run list and is constantly running (the file consumes 14 mb)
and today i switch between windows (of my vertical task-bar) just by pressing ONLY ONE button (num 7 - previous window, num 1 - next window) and it is extremely handy ;)

i described 2 of 8 features/buttons of this script, if somebody's interested i may mention the others
the thing is that i really would like to have all of them in the options of Actual Window Manager (which is the very important program for me)
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/25/2009 08:00:02

Thank you for the explanation. Yes, please describe which other keys you use and for what.

Merry Christmas! :)
Posts: 36
Joined: 07/18/2009
Posted: 12/25/2009 09:14:47
the script performs the following (keys may be changed) :

1. num 7 - activates previous window
2. num 1 - activates next window

3. prt scr - activates a window, that is placed before the previous one
4. insert -  activates a window, that is placed after the next one

5. caps lock - activates first window
6. left win - activates last window

7. ~ - performs 2-windows switch (previous, current, previous, current...)
8. left \ (between left shift and Z) - performs 2-windows switch (next, current, next, current...)

7 and 8 are similar to alt+tab but are much more convenient, plus there is no any irritating window (unlike alt+tab)

some more explanation about the chosen buttons (just in case):
it was necessary for me to rearrange quite many buttons of a keyboard, because there are a lot of actions that in my opinion should have ONE separate button
(short example - my F1 performs edit, F2 - select to the end, F3 - select to the beginning, F4 - select all, F5 - select by type, F6 - invert selection ... F9 - copy, F10 - cut, F11 - paste, F12 - save/new folder, Pause - properties, Scroll - new txt...)
Posts: 36
Joined: 07/18/2009
Posted: 07/13/2011 15:55:26
I added your wish to our base of future changes.

sorry for persistence, but i only would like to inquire about the possibility of implementing the discussed above feature. is it still in the base of future changes?

(my script works faultlessly (for me it became one of the most important applications ever), but deliverance from additional processes in OS is always a good intention, i think)

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