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Topic: «Archeage , ignore desactivation/mouse lock » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 19159
patrick tremblay
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/10/2014
Posted: 10/06/2014 13:07:11
Hello this isn't game breaker but Ignore desactivation doesn't work on archeage if you have mouse lock via alt+P and via the settings inside the software (specific settings). Opening something from the 2nd monitor will minimize. If I try to minimize something it will because semi transparent.
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 10/06/2014 16:51:06
Dear Patrick,

thank you for your post!

Please specify your Windows version and its bitness.

Best regards.
patrick tremblay
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/10/2014
Posted: 10/07/2014 08:35:15
Hello Alexander, thanks for the quick reply. I am currently using Windows 7 Home premium 64-bits.
Stephen Mace
Posts: 4
Joined: 10/09/2014
Posted: 10/09/2014 00:16:03
Sorry to jump into someone else's post but this is about ArcheAge also.

I have just downloaded the trial version of actual multiple monitors because of the Ignore Deactivation feature, however I am unable to get it to work with Archeage. The main reason why I would like to use it is because I have just purchased a new graphics card and a gsync monitor, and for the gsync to work any game has to be in fullscreen which is fine. However when I want to do something on my second monitor the game just minimizes so you have to reopen it which can take a good few seconds and because it is a heavy pvp game it would be nice to have it open on my main monitor so I can see any sneaky people coming while I am doing stuff on my other one.

ArcheAge is becoming quite popular now and I think many other people would enjoy this handy tool, esp as the new hardware such as gsync monitors require games to be played in fullscreen.

I have emailed you guys but then I saw this post, again sorry for hijacking it. I am a windows 7 ult 64bit user also.

patrick tremblay
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/10/2014
Posted: 10/09/2014 10:04:36
Hello Stephen Mace,

Dont worry about posting on my thread. If you can try a few step which I've done myself.

1. When you open Actual Multiple Monitors, go inside "Window settings" on the left menu.
2. Now you should see "default settings" - "Specific Settings" - "Exclusions".  Click on Specific Settings.
3. There's a little Folder with a green plus(+), click on this. It'll create a new specific settings called "Specific settings 1". Click on it and rename it archeage. Do not yet click apply we're not done
4. When Archeage is open, go back to your archeage specific settings and click on "Sel ect Window fr om List" Select archeage.
- Note : You need to create a new specific settings for ingame, character select, and or every server you play on.
5. Mark Window class. Mark Window caption. (make sure the program you want to open while gaming doesn't have Window caption selected as well.( as it seem to briefly open on the first monitor then moving to the 2nd instead of opening straight on the 2nd one.
6. In startup mark  "Ignote deactivation" and make sure "lock mouse" is not marked. Same thing for your both screen. You must be able to freely move your mouse even on desktop. (this is my thread bug)
7. Pray the dev fix that bug so you can lock your mouse in the futur.

Like I said when you use a lock mouse  option, as soon you open/close something with (move to monitor (having mouse pointer) , Actual Mulitple monitor seemn to believe your mouse is still on the main screen.

My english isn't the best, I hope you understand what I meant lol.
Stephen Mace
Posts: 4
Joined: 10/09/2014
Posted: 10/09/2014 16:29:18
Hi Patrick,

Thank you for all the info but for the life of me I can not get it to work even after doing all of that. Maybe it is because it is the trial version and not the full one but I doubt it. I will pm you my email address and if you would be so kind could you send me some screenshots of what the settings look like etc in your actual monitors settings etc for archeage. I is just starting to bug me because I want to use the full potential of my hardware.

Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 10/09/2014 22:37:11
Thank you for your posts, Gentlemen!

I've been trying to install the game, but I still haven't received the email address confirmation message for some reason. Have you ever had that kind of problem with Archeage?

@Stephen: You can find some screenshots in this message. Hope this helps.

Best regards.
Stephen Mace
Posts: 4
Joined: 10/09/2014
Posted: 10/09/2014 22:46:55
Nope I never had a problem with email address confirmation.

That is basically what I did with the specific settings, I made two for archeage; one for the server screen and one for ingame because it says something like ArcheAge - (server name) for the second one.

Its very strange that Patrick can get it to work though and I can't. Could it be anything to do with the file permissions? I know when I played in beta I had it on my hard drive and then moved it to my ssd when the game went live and the file permission changed so the game would not launch from the archeage.exe only from the glyph client.

I really appreciate the help on this though.

patrick tremblay
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/10/2014
Posted: 10/10/2014 09:30:52
@Stephen Mace

Idk, maybe because I maintly use firefox while playing archeage, and I already have opening. I must admit that opening something sometime bug out. But if it's already opened ignore deactivation work normally.

@Alexander Mihalkin

Sorry I had already an account for a few years already, I dont remember.
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 10/10/2014 16:38:31
Thank you for your replies, Gentlemen!

I've submitted a ticket to Glyph. I hope their Support team will answer soon.

Best regards.

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