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Topic: «AWM/AMM No Icons on Taskbars » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 27681
Lewis Smith
Posts: 19
Joined: 10/08/2010
Posted: 10/08/2010 12:57:50
I just switched to AWM from DigitalFusion because of it's seemingly superior taskbar (and multitude of more features) but I'm having big problems.

The primary problem is that with AWM running, applications no longer stay on a taskbar, active or minimised/ the pane appears over it's icon then it disappears moments later, the application still running. I have tried using 'mirror primary' but nothing happens, it remains blank.

Secondary problems which may just be symptoms of the first problem are that the aero peek/show desktop button only has the latter function and the cursor flickers when approaching it.

Also I cannot pin anything to the taskbar, despite it being enabled in the configuration.

I installed 6.2 over a previous version I had downloaded in the past, which had the same problem. I can try un- and re-installing it if anyone thinks it will help, but unless the original installer was corrupt and the files weren't updated when 6.2 was installed, it doesn't seem likely.

Apart from this problem I adore this software and I can't wait to be able to use it properly.

Finally my setup:
Windows 7 Ultimate x64, 8GB RAM.
Left Monitor: 1680x1050
Right Monitor: 1920x1080 (primary)
Tatiana Jack
Posts: 616
Joined: 08/06/2008
Posted: 10/11/2010 01:08:52
Dear Lewis,

Could you try our current beta version?

Lewis Smith
Posts: 19
Joined: 10/08/2010
Posted: 10/11/2010 11:44:25
I tried it, even uninstalled before updating, and it behaves exactly the same as before.

Could there be some kind of conflict causing this? I don't have any other utility/taskbar applications like this, but are there known things which can interfere with AWM?
Lewis Smith
Posts: 19
Joined: 10/08/2010
Posted: 10/11/2010 11:54:54

Turns out the option under 'startup' to remove AWM's icon from the taskbar removed them all!

Edit: While the main problem is fixed all the secondary problems persist, so I guess we're not quite out of the woods yet. This includes the Peek button and pinning to the secondary taskbar

Edit 2:I just realised the only way to pin items is through right clicking. New Bugs/Suggestions:
- Pinning by dragging .lnk/.exe to taskbar
- Icons slide when rearranging
- Icons glow when hovering over them
- Icons fade when program opens/moves window
- Icon Spacing is a little off (too close)
- A multi-window program's extra pane on the right edge doesn't disappear with it when closed/switched windows.
- Window titles, icons, close button and toolbar added to the thumbnail previews
- Some icons randomly become windows explorer icons and must be re-pinned to reset it.
- Windows explorer icon changes (ok for pre-7 but should remain the same on 7).
Tatiana Jack
Posts: 616
Joined: 08/06/2008
Posted: 10/12/2010 01:39:41
Dear Lewis,

I glad to know that your main problem was solved.

In a week we'll release new beta version with improvements for the Show Desktop button. I hope it'll solve the problem.

Yes, now we added only the ability pinning to taskbar by right click. I added you wish about the pinning by  dragging to our list of future changes.

What icons did you mean in your suggestions?

Other your listed bugs/suggestions I added to our list too. Thanks!

Lewis Smith
Posts: 19
Joined: 10/08/2010
Posted: 10/12/2010 03:33:57
By icons I meant the secondary taskbar icons for open/pinned programs.

1-5, 7 and 9 are mainly suggestions as you probably know already, but 6 and 8 are kinda big bugs which I'm still finding frustrating. Are these general bugs or are they individual to me?

I had edited 8 to:
'Some icons randomly become windows explorer icons and must be re-pinned to reset it.' Because now most of my icons have become windows explorer icons without mirroring on, essentially making pinning applications useless. They still open the original program but the only clue to what they are is the recent documents in the jump lists (the right icon comes up when the program is on the 2ndary screen).

Also, I just investigated 6, and found that my initial description is a little inaccurate. The combined window extra panes which appear on the right side of an icon linger on the secondary monitor when a window is dragged from 2ndary to Primary monitor. It does disappear completely when the application is closed.

Finally, a problem I have noticed with only being able to pin through right clicking is that .lnk properties like command line arguments and icons not imbedded in the main executable are not considered before/when opening an application.
Lewis Smith
Posts: 19
Joined: 10/08/2010
Posted: 11/17/2010 05:12:57
With the latest hotfix build, I have found that icons dont disappear any more, icons match the program whether it's open or not (except for programs which have different sub-window icons, in which case they must be grouped to be correct) The cursor no longer disappears by the peek button, but peek still doesn't work.

I hadn't mentioned it before but thumbnail previews would disappear when trying to select them (yet their selection regions still worked, so essentially you had to do it blind). This seems to be fixed also.

All other listed problems still persist I think.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 11/17/2010 22:20:48
Hello Lewis,

Thanks for the post.

Could you list exactly the problems which still persist?
Lewis Smith
Posts: 19
Joined: 10/08/2010
Posted: 11/18/2010 07:21:06
- Aero peek button doesn't peek on hover
- A multi-window program's extra pane on the right edge doesn't disappear with it when closed/switched windows. (Noticed with opera, latest version)
- For explorer windows the taskbar icon is that of the specific window not the usual explorer icon unless multiple windows are grouped (ok for pre-7 but should remain the same on 7).
- Photoshop CS5 (possibly others) doesn't resize when maximised and switching screens because of 'move to monitor with cursor' when using different monitor resolutions.
- Delay for moving windows to a screen with the cursor, would be nice to have no delay or make it possible to set it to a custom amount, but delay the window showing until that time. This will allow people to move the cursor to another screen after launching an application.
- pinned icons disappearing seems to be fixed on majority but it possibly hasn't worked for windows explorer (I had to re-pin it this morning).
- General Taskbar appearance problems:

Suggestions (Generally making the the Taskbar more accurate):
- Left click and drag up to show jumplists
- Use window text list for grouped/tabbed windows for over so many thumbnails (on my primary monitor the limit is 15 (1920x1080)
- Icons slide when rearranging
- Icons glow with prominent icon colour when hovering over them
- Icons fade when program opens/moves window
- Window titles, icons, close button and toolbar added to the thumbnail previews

That's all I can remember right now
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 11/19/2010 01:16:30
Hello Lewis,

I have some questions regarding your last message.
Could you answer these questions with more detail descriptions.
It will be nice to get some screenshots.

1. Did you mean this non-working aero peek button?
User added an image

2. How does mentioned "a multi-window program's extra pane" look?

3. Did you mean Internet Explorer or Windows Explorer?

Your suggestions were added to our list of feature requests.


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