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Topic: «
AWM breadcrumb navigation problem
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Technical Support
Views: 8892
Pim Joosten
08/02/2011 05:21:32
I am using AWM 6.5 on Vista Ultimate 64-bit on one computer and AWM 6.6 beta 2 on Vista Ultimate 32-bit on another. On both computers I have encountered a strange situation with breadcrumb navigation in Firefox and Windows Explorer as described below.
In Firefox I can use breadcrumb navigation to locate the location for the download, as illustrated by the screen shot attached below. However, I have made a specific AWM window setting for Firefox in order to not use the hands tool in Firefox, because I use an add-on for that. All settings in that specific rule are the same as the default window settings, apart fr om disabling the scrolling with the hand tool. Now when I click on the triangle where normally the list with folders should appear (where the cursor is in the attached picture), I do not see the folder list. I only briefly see the contours of that folder list or I switch to another open window in Windows, which may be Winamp, AWM etc. It’s the program I looked at last before going to Firefox.
As well as in the default setting as in the specific setting I have defined under “Position” that the window should move at startup to the monitor having the mouse pointer. If in the specific setting I uncheck that option the breadcrumb navigation is shown as it should. Therefore, I have tried to solve the problem by defining a separate specific setting for the download location dialog box where I have unchecked the option to move the window at startup at all. This specific setting for the dialog box is listed above the specific setting for Firefox, so I assume it has higher priority. However, this strangely does not work. The window identification is good. I have tested that by setting a certain transparency at startup, and that works correctly (and only for the download location dialog box). But the breadcrumb navigation doesn’t.
Now here comes the strangest part: If I delete all the Firefox rules and create a new specific rule for Firefox that is completely identical to the default settings, I also do not get the breadcrumb navigation! But if I deactivate that specific setting, it does work! In that case the default setting is used, but it is completely identical to the specific setting which did not work
I hope you can help me out here, because I use breadcrumb navigation a lot and also want to be able to switch off the hands tool in Firefox, while using it in all other windows.
I also checked how breadcrumb navigation works in Windows Explorer. In Windows Explorer it works. However, if I, similar to what I described above, define a specific rule for Windows Explorer that is completely identical to the default settings, I also am unable to use breadcrumb navigation. It thus seems to be an issue with Windows Explorer, since Firefox uses Windows Explorer for its download location dialog box.
I will send you my config files by mail to your support address so you can investigate this issue further.
Pim Joosten
08/02/2011 13:11:58
Update: this issue also exists in version 6.6 final.
Vasiliy Ivachev
08/17/2011 22:29:49
Hello Pim,
Thanks for the post and sorry for the late response.
What version of Firefox do you have?
What Firefox add-on (breadcrumb navigation) do you use?
Best regards.
Pim Joosten
08/18/2011 02:05:51
Hello Vasiliy,
Thanks for your response. And never mind your late response, because normally you are always super fast with responding. I hope you enjoyed your vacation! Everyone needs one once in a while
I am using Firefox 6 now, but was using Firefox 5. I am not using an add-on for breadcrumb navigation, it is a standard function of Firefox (and Windows Explorer). However, I think the problem lies in the combination of AWM and Windows Explorer, and Firefox has nothing to do with it. As described in the last paragraph of my first post, I have the exact same issue with Windows Explorer. When I want to find the location for a download in Firefox, it calls a Windows Explorer process. Therefore the problem also shows up in Firefox (and that is how I discovered it).
In summary: the issue is that when I make a specific setting for Windows Explorer (or Firefox), even if this setting is identical to the general settings, breadcrumb navigation stops working correctly, if this setting also includes “Move at startup to monitor having mouse pointer”.
I think the easiest way for you to reproduce the issue is to make a specific setting for Windows Explorer which includes “Move at startup to monitor having mouse pointer”. You will then see the problem in the location bar of Windows Explorer.
BTW: I do not know whether breadcrumb navigation is the official name of navigating by using the arrows to pull down other folders in the location bar, but I’ve come across that terminology in a technical article once. Because it is a suiting name I used it here too.
If you need any more information please let me know.
Many thanks.
Vasiliy Ivachev
08/19/2011 00:58:47
Hello Pim,
Thanks for your words.
Unfortunately, I can't reproduce this problem (with Firefox and Windows Explorer).
Could you send me your configuration files (that I could reproduce this problem with) with list of steps (that I should do to reproduce this problem) and screenshots of the problem?
Also you should specify OS and exactly versions of products.
Best regards.
Pim Joosten
08/20/2011 02:36:11
Hello Vasiliy,
Because of your reaction and
this post
I experimented some more, a.o. on a virtual machine, to narrow the possible causes down and I have solved it myself after a bit of testing and tweaking
The mistake I made was that in the specific settings for Firefox and Windows Explorer I had not checked the Window Class item. If I do that everything works as it should. From this “exercise” I again learned more about how AWM works. In other specific settings I had to switch off the Window Class item to get the results I wanted, so I guess I made switching it off a standard policy which it should not be.
Many thanks for your help!
Alex Fadeyev
08/21/2011 05:06:51
Thank you very much for your follow-up and help provided to other visitors in related forum threads!
Glad that you succeeded in finding the solution for Firefox. However, I have a question: did you read the AWM documentation (like the
Principles of Operation section
) to discover how it works or you discovered it after experimenting? In any case, I'd like to ask you observe that part of User Manual and tell me whether it clear and understandable or not (in latter case, any recommendations on how to improve it would be great!).
Thank you in advance!
Pim Joosten
08/22/2011 05:20:23
You are welcome, Alex.
I discovered how it works by experimenting and after that I did read some portion of the online manual, because I had the feeling that I had missed something. I originally bought AWM because I needed a “Show always on top” button. That’s all. I always do quite some research finding the best software to solve my problem/question. I think it is often a good idea to buy software with more possibilities than I originally need, because I will very often find solutions for (sometimes unknown) problems which I did not even think of beforehand. Hence, I immediately bought the most comprehensive program I could find: AWM.
This, together with my limited available time, explains why I did not dive into the documentation right away. However, I kept finding more and more possibilities and was usually very satisfied with what I found. Usually I have found these just by experimenting and if necessary looking up additional information. I have mentioned AWM a couple of times to different people, saying it is a treasure chest, because I keep finding new possibilities within the program every time. I am always amazed at people who buy just AMM, whereas for only $ 10 more one can have the entire treasure chest of AWM
I already had on my to do list to read the entire manual, because I know there is still more to be found. Your question has sped this up, so I can give you feedback and I learn more about all of the possibilities that AWM has. I am now in the process of reading it entirely and will give you feedback, not just on the part of the User Manual you are referring to, but on the entire manual. I will give you this feedback when I am done, which may take a little time. If in the mean time I come across some questions or obscurities, I will post them right away, as I just did with
this message
Best regards and thank you for a wonderful program!
P.S. your support is also wonderful and fast. Many companies could take an example from what Actual Tools does.
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