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Topic: «Clocks on secondary taskbar in AWM 6.3 » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 4175
Ivan Siutsou
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Posts: 5
Joined: 01/25/2011
Posted: 01/25/2011 10:30:52
Hi there!

This program is awesome, but has some minor issue: I have two-monitor configuration with vertical taskbars. On the Windows primary taskbar I have clocks in tray which show me also the day of week and date like this

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On the second taskbar by AWM I have only time, however the space is reserved for all this things!

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Could it be solved?
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/25/2011 21:55:44
Hello Ivan,

Thanks for the post.

The problem (with the space reservation) has been confirmed.

We'll fix it.

Please, try to make your taskbar a little wider and it'll show you the day of week and date.

Best regards.
Ivan Siutsou
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Posted: 01/26/2011 16:22:46
After the adjustment of the width I have the day and date, but reserved space is indeed too large:

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And, by the way, could the icons in the tray be centralized and not shifted to the left, as it is now?
Ivan Siutsou
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Posted: 01/26/2011 16:26:25
After the adjustment of the width I have the day and date, but reserved space is indeed too large:

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Ivan Siutsou
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Posted: 01/26/2011 16:27:49
And, by the way, could icons in the tray region be centralized and not shifted to the lefts, as it is now?
Ivan Siutsou
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Posted: 01/26/2011 16:32:09
I'm sorry, but I get a error after each my post: there is some error in the forum database. Sorry for inconvenience.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/26/2011 21:48:39
Hello Ivan,

Thanks for your observation.

We'll fix it in one of nearest versions.

Best regards!

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