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Topic: «Very slow Recent or Favorite title bar button response » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 631
Posts: 11
Joined: 02/17/2011
Posted: 12/10/2024 14:02:15
Followed your procedure.

Yes, same behavior. 10sec delay until a default popup. The listed Favorite Folders: Downloads, "Skype Received Files" | "Add current folder to Favorites", Configure..., and Recent Folders: C:\Users\<me>\Downloads
The "Skype Received Files" seems odd. Yes Skype is installed on the PC but it's not running (per not in Task Manager) and Skype has no active Specific Settings in AIM.

AIM created a new RecentFolders.ini with this contents:
<Options version="8.5" name="RecentFolders" type="RECENTFOLDERSPLUGINOPTIONS"><ob ject name="Dialogs"><ob ject name="General"><ob ject name="RecentFolders" type="TRECENTFOLDERS"><content><ob ject name="68471781" type="FILEFOLDER"><params><param name="path">43003A005C00550073006500720073005C0061006E006400­7200650077005C0041007000700044006100740061005C0052006F006100­6D0069006E0067005C00410063007400750061006C00200054006F006F00­6C0073005C00410063007400750061006C002000570069006E0064006F00­770020004D0061006E006100670065007200</param><param name="Caption"/></params></object><ob ject name="143E954D" type="FILEFOLDER"><params><param name="path">43003A005C00550073006500720073005C0061006E006400­7200650077005C0044006F0077006E006C006F00610064007300</param>­<param name="Caption"/></params></object></content></object><ob ject name="FavoriteFolders" type="TFAVORITEFOLDERS"><content><ob ject name="FDFB80EE" type="FILEFOLDER"><params><param name="path">25005500730065007200500072006F00660069006C006500­25005C0044006F0077006E006C006F00610064007300</param><param name="Caption">44006F0077006E006C006F00610064007300</param><­/params></object><ob ject name="CC742918" type="FILEFOLDER"><params><param name="path">2500410070007000440061007400610025005C0053006B00­7900700065005C004D007900200053006B00790070006500200052006500­6300650069007600650064002000460069006C0065007300</param><par­am name="Caption">53006B007900700065002000520065006300650069007­600650064002000460069006C0065007300</param></params></object­></content></object></object></object></Options>

After I was done, I again quit AIM, restored the RecentFolders.ini, relaunched AIM, and my Favorite Folders & Recent Folders (still with 10-sec delay) returned.

Yes, my browsers (Brave x64 for this test) are 64-bit, as is the Win10 OS.
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1450
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/16/2024 00:09:49

Thank you for providing the requested information.

It seems there's something specific in the problem PC's environment that causes the issue. I'm afraid the only way to find the cause is to make a custom build with additional debug diagnostics for you. Are you ready to continue that far? :oops:
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1450
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/16/2024 00:26:33
Well, some more questions first. :)

On my Win10 PC, running
MS Edge

 experience 10-sec lag for the The Fav & Rec title button menus when I open a website and try to save a PDF from the page. Tried several websites, several different PDFs of different sizes. Including if the PDF has already been downloaded and is being read within the browser.

Notepad++, but lag was shorter (3sec or so).

Did *not* experience lag when using with MS Word, UltraEdit, FoxIt PDF-Reader.

Does the "Save As" dialog look somehow different in the problem apps and in the well-working apps, or it looks absolutely the same? (Screenshots of both cases might be helpful.)

Are all apps (both problem and normal) being run under the same user account, or some of them get elevated or being run under another account?

Also, if possible, please check the program shortcuts you're using to launch both problem and normal apps - specifically, the Compatibility tab: do all the shortcuts have the same settings there, or there are any differences?

Thank you!
Posts: 11
Joined: 02/17/2011
Posted: 12/17/2024 23:27:55
Save As in an example problem app, Brave, is vanilla.
Save As in an example no-problem app, Word, is more complicated since MS tweaked it to add options.

All apps are run under same admin-level user account. None are run with any special options such as "Run as admin."

None have any Compatibility options set.

If you'd like to provide a custom version of the app with some telemetry - what is AIM doing spinning on for 10-sec after the Save dialog is opened - that would be fine.

Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1450
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/18/2024 00:50:37
Thank you for the information.

Okay, we'll prepare the custom build soon and let you know via email.
Posts: 11
Joined: 02/17/2011
Posted: 01/03/2025 04:26:24
Today, "out of the blue", I'm no longer getting the drop-down menu (Fav & Recent) lag with AWM 8.15.2. The only recent thing(s) I'm aware of that changed between lag & non-lag were a Windows Update installed on 20240101 and an MS Defender Security Update (anti-virus list) installed on 20240102. I did reboot after the first update, not the second, but I've repeatedly rebooted the PC while trying to remedy the AWM lag so rebooting by itself wasn't the fix.

2024-12 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5048652)
 â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹This update addresses security issues for your Windows operating system.
 AW -- nothing listed here that flags anything that seems related to the AWM issue.

Security Intelligence Update for Microsoft Defender Antivirus - KB2267602 (Version 1.421.1153.0)

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