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Topic: «Tile Layouts > Lock size, while configuring size. , When defining the sizes of titles, allow the user to lock a tile so it doesn't automatically change its value. » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 203
Posts: 24
Joined: 04/13/2011
Posted: 12/17/2024 05:36:37
I'm currently trying to divide a monitor into four unequal horizontal parts.

The top three tiles being 20% of the screen, the bottom-most tile being 40% of the screen.

Each time I move one, it changes one tile next to it, with no way to try and balance the tiles.

How, can I get the tiles into uneven positions without having to spend unprecedented amounts of time trying to make it happen?
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/17/2024 22:30:23
Hi Kiwi,

Thank you for your request.

Have you read the User Manual article about the Tiles Editor? In particular, it says (I've marked the key facts bold):

- tiles in the editor have hierarchy

- you can split each tile only into two child tiles (using the edit buttons)

- when you resize the parent tile, its child tiles are resized proportionally


Please note the splitter's color: the deeper the tiles are in the hierarchy - the lighter a color of a splitter that divides them.

So, in your case, to get the desired layout, you should do as follows (reset the layout by clicking the Reset button to start from scratch):

  1. Split the screen into two horizontal parts (they get 50% of current monitor size by default).

  2. Make the lower part 40% of current monitor size (the upper part gets 60% of current monitor size automatically).

  3. Split the upper part into two horizontal parts (they get 30% of current monitor size by default).

  4. Make the lower of these new parts 20% of current monitor size (the upper new part gets 40% automatically).

  5. Split the upper part into two horizontal parts (they get 20% of current monitor size automatically).

Hope this will help. Please let me know if you have any more questions.

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