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Topic: «Quickly or automatically change monitor arrangement , when commuting between home and office » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 353
David P
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Posts: 91
Joined: 04/16/2012
Posted: 08/12/2024 22:04:07
I'm commuting weekly with the laptop between office and home office.

I have three monitors at both locations. However, the monitors are connected via different Thunderbolt adapters at the two locations, and so Windows does not assign the same numbers to the monitors at the two locations.

At home, the numbering/monitor arrangement is 3-2-1 from left to right, and at the office, the numbering is 2-1-3.

How can I quickly (or automatically) switch between the two monitor arrangements in AWM, in order for Tile Layouts and Automatic Positioning of certain windows on certain monitors match between home and office?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/13/2024 21:47:26
Hello, David

Thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, for now there is no way to automatically switch between different configurations for different monitor setups. We'll consider adding this feature and will post here if it's added.

The best solution available now is to create separate configurations for different monitor setups and create backups of these configuations (AWM configuration module > Tools > Configuration > Backup) and load respective configuration when you change the monitor setup (the same configuration module section > Restore). But please note that any new changes to configurations won't be automatically added to the backup files and if you want to save these new changes in the backup files you'll have to create new backup files to replace the old ones.

There also a way to make this process more automatic - you can create .cmd files with the "Restore" command line parameter and you can run them to easily load the saved configurations without opening the configuration module and place them on the desktop for example. Let me know if you're going to use this method and you need assistance in creating such files.

Best regards.
David P
Advanced user
Posts: 91
Joined: 04/16/2012
Posted: 08/13/2024 22:39:47
Thank you, Bogdan.

I'm looking forward to seeing this feature in the future.

Thanks also for mentioning the possibility to load configurations automatically or via batch file.

Could you please point me to a syntax example along the lines of "restore <>"?

I would probably use AutoHotKey to show a message box when booting the laptop that would allow me to choose between the two configurations.

Then, AutoHotKey would run the respective command line (if that should be possible).

Best regards
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/20/2024 05:47:11
In your case the .cmd file text should look like this:

PUSHD "C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual Window Manager"

START ActualWindowManagerCenter.exe restore "C:\"


It's better to omit the /WAIT parameter if it's the only command you want to use in the .cmd files - thus you can run the files whether our software is running or not and Command Prompt window won't stay open if our software is runnning.

As for syntax of
restore "<>"
- specify the exact path and name of the saved configuration file instead of <> like in the example above. Don't forget the quotes.

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