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Topic: «Switching between Chrome Profiles and Virtual Desktops » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 420
Karl Cassar
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Posts: 1
Joined: 07/27/2024
Posted: 07/27/2024 16:20:26
It seems there is an issue with switching between Chrome Profiles (fr om the top right icon), or even opening a new Chrome with a user profile.

If the Chrome Profile is not opened yet, this works fine - it opens on the current desktop.  If the Chrome Profile is already open, usually Chrome would bring the already-opened window to the forefront. If this is on another virtual desktop, AMM stays wh ere you are, and there is no easy way to find the already opened window.  It does not even bring the Chrome with that profile to the fore-front of the virtual desktop it was opened on.  To find the existing open profile, it seems you need to scroll through each virtual desktop, and try to switch Chrome to that profile one each desktop. If it happens that the already existing profile IS in the current virtual desktop, then it shows it in the forefront.

This video explains it a bit better:

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4064
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 07/30/2024 03:34:01
Hello, Karl

Thank you for contacting us.

It seems like the option "Auto-switch desktops" is disabled in the virtual desktops settings (Actual Window Manager configuration module > Virtual Desktops > Options > Auto-switch desktops). This option switches to a virtual desktop when a window gains focus and becomes active on it.

Let me kow if you've disabled it intentionally for some reason.

Best regards.

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