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Topic: «Hyper-V App showing across all Virtual Desktops. Is it normal » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 1288
Carlos Mota
Posts: 1
Joined: 02/03/2024
Posted: 02/03/2024 07:43:41
I just started to use the Actual Virtual Desktop, my goal is to be able to have multiple virtual desktops across 2 monitors in a way that they are independent..
It is working wonderfully EXCEPT for 1 single application that is the Hyper-V. For some reason that I dont know, when I open it the same will show up across all virtual desktops for the monitor that it is open.

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In the screenshot we can see that I have 3 virtual desktops, first one has the Hyper-V and Chrome, second and third have the Hyper-V.
I dont have any idea why it is happening or how I can prevent it, does any one have a clue ?

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/09/2024 00:26:43
Hello, Carlos

Thank you for contacting us.

I have 3 virtual desktops, first one has the Hyper-V and Chrome, second and third have the Hyper-V.
Do you start Hyper-V with elevated rights (UAC dialogue usually appears in this case upon start of the program)?

If yes, then the problem probably happens because the "Support system utilities and administrative tools" option wasn't enabled during the installation of Actual Virtual Desktops. In this case there should be no signs that the application is affected by AVD at all - it shouldn't have extra title buttons and extra window menu items.

Try to reinstall the program and enable the option during installation. You can install it right over the already installed version - your other settings won't be changed.

Best regards.

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