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Topic: «Problem with AWM icons / dropdowns obscuring application title bar » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 2123
Clayton Curtis
Posts: 5
Joined: 02/14/2023
Posted: 02/16/2023 05:14:23
I posted earlier about obscuration of the title bar of the quick windows settings dialog.  Subsequently, I discovered that the same issue appears to affect application windows as well. THIS IS A CRITICAL ISSUE because it can overlay information such as path to a file. This needs to be fixed!

See attached image.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/24/2023 17:06:32
Hello, Clayton

Thank you for contacting us.

THIS IS A CRITICAL ISSUE because it can overlay information such as path to a file. This needs to be fixed!
Using applications with such long captions in their windows is not very common. I guess shorter captions are more common, and in this case the software's extra title buttons don't overlap the caption. We'll consider adding the ability to automatically avoid the caption overlapping and will post here if it's added.

In this case as workaround you can use the "Compact view" mode for the extra buttons in this application. In order to apply this option specially for this application you need to create specific settings for it. In specific settings for the application navigate to Title Buttons > Options section and enable the option Compact view, hit Apply.

Or you can disable the buttons completely for this application in the same section of specific settings (don't forget to uncheck the option "Show the grouping button" too.

To apply options to all applications change them in Default Settings (Actual Tools software configuration module > Window Settings > Default Settings).

Best regards.

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