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Topic: «Default measurement for window placement - Position and Size » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 1693
Greg Webb
Posts: 141
Joined: 06/05/2007
Posted: 08/11/2022 16:16:29
Is there a way to change the default measurements in Position and Size?

The default seems to be '% of Current Monitor'. I would like 'Pixels'.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/23/2022 19:36:43
Hello, Greg

Thank you for contacting us.

Is there a way to change the default measurements in Position and Size?
Are you talking about the Position and Size sections of Specific Settings? Unfortunately, for now there is no way to change the default measurement units for the Position/Size options. We'll consider adding such ability and will post here if it's added.

Best regards.
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1450
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 10/19/2022 19:33:03

Unfortunately, we can't contact you via email (which also means that you don't receive the notification messages from our forum mailer) so I hope you'll somehow notice this reply.

The reason we can't communicate via email is obviously at your side, or, specifically, at your email provider's side. I don't know what exactly they configured wrong but only you have the problem you reported via our website's feedback form (SMTP errors 4.1.2/4.1.8).

Please contact your email provider's tech support and ask them to rectify the email server settings.
Greg Webb
Posts: 141
Joined: 06/05/2007
Posted: 12/18/2022 08:33:02
Hi Alex,
Apologies for using this forum for a direct message but I can't get a response from the online enquiry webform.

Still trying to sort out why I'm not able to receive email from ''.

I've changed my email address away from I now need a way of sending myself emails from I tried using the 'E-Mail' button to both my old and new addresses but no emails were received.
Greg Webb
Posts: 141
Joined: 06/05/2007
Posted: 12/18/2022 09:00:45

Correction to last message.

The forum message I sent you (Alex) has come through at my new email address. Apologies to everyone else that received it.

BUT what hasn't worked is using the 'E-Mail' button to send messages to my old and new addresses.

I need a method of sending myself email messages to test my old ISP's mail system which appears to still not be working when getting mail from ActualTools.

Everyone, I'll get off this forum as soon as I've established an email communication line with ActualTools. Apologies for the inconvenience.


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