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Topic: «Can't maximize Slack » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 15309
Tim Kington
Posts: 1
Joined: 10/30/2015
Posted: 10/30/2015 17:36:51
I'm running Windows 8 64-bit, and the latest Actual Window Manager (8.6).  Until today I had no problems, but all of a sudden I can't maximize the Slack desktop client.  There are no rules in my configuration related to that application.  When I try to maximize the window, it fills the screen for a second, and then shrinks again.  I have two monitors, and this happens on both.  I tried adding a rule to resize the window to 100%, and it doesn't work.  I tried adding a button to the menu bar to resize the window to 100%.  When I hover over the button, it shows "Resize window to 100%m x 100%m", but clicking it does nothing.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/02/2015 16:09:07
Hello, Tim.

The problem with Slack has been confirmed: the Slack window can't be maximized, if it has any Actual Window Manager title buttons on it.

We'll try to fix it.

For now, as a workaround, you can either disable title buttons for the Slack window (Configuration window > Window Settings > Specific settings for Slack > Title Buttons section. The grouping button should be also disabled > Apply) OR you can exclude the Slack window from processing by AWM completely (Configuration window > Window Settings > Exclusions > Add a new window... > Point to the Slack Window with the crosshair tool > Apply).

But i was unable to reproduce the issue with the Resize button. As i can see, it works fine: the Slack window is resized properly to the whole monitor. Do the other AWM title buttons work for the Slack window?

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/31/2019 22:48:45
Hello, Tim

You wrote:
but all of a sudden I can't maximize the Slack desktop client

I'm glad to notify you that the subject issue has been fixed and the fix is available in the latest version of Actual Window Manager 8.14.3 and our other products as well.

You can update your program to the latest version (program's tray icon context menu > Info > Check for Updates) or download the latest version manually, install it and and confirm the fix.

Best regards.

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