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Topic: «Spawned Internet Exporer Windows and AWM , Attempting to set position and size parameters for IE Windows » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 10428
Posts: 1
Joined: 07/27/2005
Posted: 07/27/2005 11:01:52
I am attempting to utilize the features of AWM to extend the functionality of a Web Deployed application in IE 6.  

This application has a main window, and new windows are spawned when clicking links from it.

The new windows always come up in a predefined default location, with a default size.

I am attempting to setup Window Rules for individual windows based on Unique Caption Strings.  When I Save my rules, the window gets the AWS Title Buttons and it all appears to work.  But if I close the window and bring it up again, it doesn't return to the Saved position, nor is it the saved size.

I have tried all the combinations of Windows Class, Windows Caption (exact match or substring match), and Program being enabled or disabled.

At this point I'm just trying to get it to Save window's size and postion, so that the next time it opens, it will retain those settings.  But like I wrote earlier, when I save the settings, the window will get the AWM Title Buttons, but when I close it and reopen it, it doesn't have the AWM Title Buttons.

Any help?


 Mike McElhany
Michael Tretyakov
Posts: 61
Joined: 03/16/2005
Posted: 07/28/2005 03:57:18

I studied your situation and found what is wrong here.
The reason is lies in Internet Explorer.
When you launch new Internet Explorer window, this window doesn't have the caption you define in Window Rule.
Our program check new IE window, doesn't find the required caption and doesn't apply desired Widow Rule.
After that Internet Explorer change the caption for opened page.

We will try to solve this problem in next versions of our programs.

Michael Tretyakov
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