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Topic: «Update causing AAM to crash at sign on , Update causing AAM to crash at sign on » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 1865
Matthew Evans
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Joined: 06/10/2016
Posted: 06/10/2016 00:50:07
I have an odd issue that seems to be occurring on only a few computers where Actual Multiple Monitors is installed. This seems to occur at least once a month, the user will sign into Windows and the system will act like it is frozen. If any programs or windows do open, they seem to flicker like someone is clicking between different windows. Ending the AAM process will stop the behavior but we get and error describing that it was unable to reach the temporary directory for install. I can fix this by temporary giving the user local admin rights and having them sign in again. I am not sure if this is an update to the program as nothing shows up in the logs for the error. I have attempted to give the user local admin rights to just the AAM directory as I do not want to leave them with local admin rights to the entire computer, but this has not seem to correct the problem. I have attempted to uninstall and reinstall the software, but the issue ends up returning a few weeks later. Any suggestions of what to try or where to look further to get a better idea of what is occurring would be appreciated.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4080
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/10/2016 12:49:46
Hello, Matthew

What OS is installed on the computers where the issue appears (name, version)?

but we get and error describing that it was unable to reach the temporary directory for install
Could you send us a screenshot containing all information that this error window provides.

Best regards.

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