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Topic: «Ignore Deactivation , Interesting bug... » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 12344
Jordan Towers
Posts: 1
Joined: 02/13/2015
Posted: 02/13/2015 01:41:08
Hello! I just installed AMM today, less than an hour ago. I assume I'm using the latest version of the regular software. At first this was awesome and I'm glad I found this. Although, when I'm playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, I get a bug where every other time I use my second screen, it just minimizes my game. Not sure if I'm using the hotkey incorrectly or... if it's a bug. Steps:

1. Playing game.
2. Press T to open the chat in SAMP, allows mouse movement.
3. Crtl+R to use ignore deactivation.
4. Click on my second screen. Works!
5. Go back to the game by clicking on the chat bar or anything.
6. Press T to open the chat in SAMP, again allows movement.
7. Crtl+R to use the ignore deactivation.
8. Click on the second screen, and it minimizes my game...

Any insight or assistance is greatly appreciated.

PS: Using the 60 day trial.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 02/13/2015 10:52:09
Hello Jordan,

Thanks for the post.

Actual Multiple Monitors has the 30 days trial period. Maybe you are running Actual Window Manager?

Are you able to use the "Ignore Deactivation" feature with other games? If yes, please enable the "Compatibility mode" option in "Ignore Deactivation" hotkeys settings (Hotkeys -> Actions -> All -> Ignore Deactivation -> Compatibility mode (at the bottom)) and try to reproduce the issue.

You could also try to create Specific Settings for GTA and enable the "Ignore Deactivation" feature there (Window Settings -> Specific Settings -> Add new specific settings for GTA -> Startup tab -> Ignore Deactivation).

A slightly different mechanisms are used in all three cases (Specific Settings, Hotkeys, Hotkeys with the Compatibility mode).

Best regards.

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