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Topic: «Minor Desktop DividerThings » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 3269
Jess Hu
Posts: 5
Joined: 11/10/2014
Posted: 11/10/2014 15:51:37
Noticed a few things right away as a new DD user;

1. Acrobat Reader XI; cannot be snapped to a tile and the buttons do not appear on the right of the title bar.
2. Quicken 2012; the buttons added to the title bar sometimes do not move with the program window, or disappear when the program window is minimized.  They remain on screen as an artifact until the program is closed and re-opened.

Win 7 Pro SP1 64-bit
Multiple Monitors 8.2.2
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 11/10/2014 18:33:03
Thank you for your post, Jess!

1. Please refer to this paragraph regarding the Adobe Reader issue in the FAQ.

2. As for Quicken 2012 - it's a known issue, and unfortunately it seems that we aren't able to find a solution for it. Please try adding Quicken windows to Exclusions list.

Best regards!
Jess Hu
Posts: 5
Joined: 11/10/2014
Posted: 11/11/2014 09:18:55
I'm sorry, I find your product matrix a little overwhelming.  Are "Exclusions" available in the Multiple Monitors product or are they part of another component of the Window Manager suite?  I'm not seeing the dialog(s) described in the link, but perhaps I am just missing it.  How specifically do I get to the place where I add an exclusion?
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 11/11/2014 09:37:19
Thank you for your post, Jess!

You can create Exclusions in Actual Multiple Monitors. One of possible ways to do it is to go to Actual Multiple Monitors -> Window Settings -> Exclusions, click the "Add a new rule..." button, and use Window Selector to specify the window you want to exclude.

In this article there are directions to create Specific Settings rules - the process is very similar. Feel welcome to ask any further questions!

Best regards.
Jess Hu
Posts: 5
Joined: 11/10/2014
Posted: 11/12/2014 05:11:08
Oh, I see, when you make a selection in the lower left, the upper left options change.  Like Microsoft Outlook.  Strange choice of UI to mimic, but I see now.  Thanks.

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