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Topic: «Archeage , ignore desactivation/mouse lock » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 19097
patrick tremblay
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/10/2014
Posted: 10/11/2014 01:25:47
Be ready to wait 3-5 day hehe :'(
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 10/20/2014 23:48:45
Gentlemen, thank you for your posts!

I launched Actual Multiple Monitors, enabled the Alt+P hotkey (Lock mouse in monitor), started the Archeage, went back to Specific Settings in Actual Multiple Monitors and created a new Specific Settings rule. Then I selected the Archeage window in the Window Selector, disabled all the title buttons, window menu items and enabled the ignore deactivation in that rule. Applied my settings and went back into game. I was able to move my cursor to the secondary monitor, operate with other windows on it - the game wouldn't minimize. Then I hit Alt+P while on the second monitor. Everything was okay, and I hit the Win+~ to move the cursor to the game monitor. Tried using mouse and keyboard in the game - still okay, then hit Win+~ once more to move the cursor to the secondary screen. Everything remained okay - the game wouldn't minimize, I was able to minimize/maximize windows on the secondary monitor, browse the Web and get back to gameplay using Win+~ hotkey.

Patrick, were you doing it the same way? Is there any other sequence of actions that causes problems?

Best regards.
patrick tremblay
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/10/2014
Posted: 10/25/2014 13:01:42
Thanks for the reply, since last patch it does work for me (or maybe it's when I switched dx11 > dx9 idk, altho sometime when moving stuff from monitor 1 and closing it on second one cause the semi transparent window that never close until you minimize the game (rarely but annoying tho) else it's working perfectly, thanks for the help.
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 10/28/2014 18:57:17
Patrick, thank you for your reply.

Hopefully, you will notice the conditions which cause windows to become semi-transparent and frozen and let us know how to reproduce it.

Looking forward to that day!

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