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Topic: «[SOLVED] AMM vs. Google Chrome , AMM does not work with Google's Chrome » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 4362
H78TA Foster
Posts: 1
Joined: 04/18/2014
Posted: 04/18/2014 23:58:01
Hello, I'm running Windows 7, 64 bit, Actual Multiple Monitors and Chrome. Chrome Version 34.0.1847.116 m (current version) and AMM version 8.1.4 (current version).
My AMM setup moves the current window to the previous monitor on a title bar double click. This works fine for virtually all programs except Chrome. A double click on the Chrome title bar causes the Chrome window to remain on its monitor and go to (roughly) 1/2 size. I am also running the following Chrome extensions:
AdBlock 2.6.18
Google Cast 14.402.0.5
New Tab Redirect 3.0
Pocket 1.7.1 and
Webroot Filtering Extension

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Nicholas Flint
Posts: 2
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 04/21/2014 12:20:19
I have a similar issue with google chrome. Since the title buttons get in the way of removing tabs I tried to get it so only the swap monitors buttons shows but google chrome ignores settings and stays with the installed default. Both default buttons work but changing the settings doesn't work on google chrome
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 04/23/2014 21:27:30
Dear Gents, thank you for your posts!

H78TA Foster, unfortunately I was unable to reproduce the issue you specified. Could you please send us your AMM configuration (Actual Multiple Monitors -> Tools -> Configuration -> Send to Tech Support) with a reference to this thread.

Nicholas Flint, am I correct in understanding that your issue is that AMM Default Settings do not apply to Google Chrome windows? If so, please refer to this message. If not, please describe your issue in other words.

Best regards.
Nick F
Posts: 2
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 04/24/2014 12:09:13
Sorry if I was unclear. I meant to specify that ONLY default settings apply to Google chrome. Changing settings applies to every other program EXCEPT Google chrome, it seems to ignore the settings.

EDIT: I looked at the link and when I changed the specific settings for Google Chrome and that worked. Thanks a ton

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