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Topic: «[AMM] Mouse unlock does not work for all applications » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 6814
Posts: 4
Joined: 12/11/2013
Posted: 12/11/2013 03:36:17
I am currently playing a game (Duke Nukem Megaton edition) using two monitors in this configuration:

game (full screen) on one screen and on the other I keep a guide with all the secrets so sometimes I switch back/forth to scroll down/change page or simply answer to skype messages

usually this works fine with AMM with lots of games I have tried so far, but there are some (including Duke Nukem) that seem to lock mouse on the main screen no matter what

Windows deactivation works (in fact if I press Alt+Tab the game keeps running without minimizing) but instead "lock mouse" does not respond

I have also tried "move mouse to next monitor", I can see the small animation that should indicate my mouse pointer appears on the other screen but still my mouse is in the main screen

are there any workaround/settings I can try ?

I am using AMM 8.0.3
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 12/12/2013 17:25:28
Hello Cesare,

Thanks for the post.

Both "Ignore deactivation" and "Lock mouse" hotkeys don't work with the version of Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition I've downloaded.

Could you provide me a download link for the version of Duke Nukem you have?
Posts: 4
Joined: 12/11/2013
Posted: 12/13/2013 01:45:46
Thanks for your feedback Vasily

here is the version I am using

in my case Ignore deactivation works, in fact if I press alt+tab the game does not minimize (windows start button + taskbar appear down below covering a small part of the screen) and, in order to return to game, I have to press with mouse pointer on Duke Nukem or press again Alt+tab

Instead if I "re-activate deactivation" game minimizes by pressing Alt+Tab so I assume it is working

instead mouse pointer is locked

for example if, when playing, you press ESC then you see game menu appearing on the screen (New game/Load Game/Options/etc.)

you can see mouse pointer but it doesn't move outside

I have tried with all the different combinations of mouse lock + move mouse to next monitor but it doesn't work

not even pressing Alt+Tab (when window deactivation is on): you can see windows start button + taskbar but you can move mouse pointer outside

if you need I can take some screenshots to show you better, just let me know

I am using AMM 8.0.3 + Windows 7 64 bit

PS: I have voted for Steam Greelight for Actual Multiple Monitors and I see it has been accepted. Will we be able to convert our license to a key to activate this on Steam ?
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 12/19/2013 14:48:36
Hello Cesare,

The problem has been confirmed.
We'll try to fix it.

PS: I have voted for Steam Greelight for Actual Multiple Monitors and I see it has been accepted. Will we be able to convert our license to a key to activate this on Steam ?
- Could you clarify this?
Posts: 4
Joined: 12/11/2013
Posted: 12/19/2013 23:36:33
Thanks Vasily

regarding your last question:

I have seen Actual Multiple Monitor on Steam Greenlight

and, after having been voted by a big number of people, it has been greenlit so it will be available on Steam

my question is:

I have a license for AMM and I would like to know if I will be able to have a Steam key for this program as well when it will be available. It's not really top priority for me, just I like that Steam keeps all games "registered" so you don't have to store key/licence and, even in a catastrophic event of a hd failure or simply after you format your pc, you can recover everything very easily
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 12/24/2013 18:05:24

The Steam build of Actual Multiple Monitors will have another type of registration codes.

even in a catastrophic event of a hd failure or simply after you format your pc, you can recover everything very easily
- You are able to restore AMM's registration code on this page - .

Best regards.
Posts: 4
Joined: 12/11/2013
Posted: 12/25/2013 00:25:57


The Steam build of Actual Multiple Monitors will have another type of registration codes.

- You are able to restore AMM's registration code on this page - .

This is exactly what I would like to avoid, since I keep different email accounts so I will have to manually check to understand which one I have used for which program

I like Steam for this reason, because everything is registered: in case you format/use another pc you only need to download Steam client, log in and all the programs/games are already there

you don't even need to go to every website and retrieve the activation code

it's not a big deal really, but if I can keep everything under Steam it's a plus for me

have you thought about an "upgrade option" ? Customers would pay a small fee and they can renew existing license + obtaining a Steam activation code
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 12/25/2013 17:19:39

Let's discuss this question when Actual Multiple Monitors will be available on Steam.

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