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Topic: «ActualMultipleMonitorsShellCenter64.exe memory leak..? » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 16534
Eric Swanson
Posts: 5
Joined: 12/20/2012
Posted: 12/20/2012 13:29:43
I can confirm that this is an issue in the 5.0 release.

The beta did work, but the beta is v4.4.
Eric Swanson
Posts: 5
Joined: 12/20/2012
Posted: 12/21/2012 10:56:48
I take that back.  The beta version did NOT work.

I can not use this software until this is fixed; This prevents my virtual machines from starting.

Matt Cansler
Posts: 2
Joined: 12/23/2012
Posted: 12/23/2012 03:30:17
This is happening to me also. I have Windows 8 Pro 64 bit and the latest amm version 5.0. I have 8 Gigs of ram and in task manager 78% of my ram is being used. AMM is using over 2 gb of my ram. To be exact it is at 2,288.7 MB. I hope this can be fixed soon because this program is needed.
Eric Swanson
Posts: 5
Joined: 12/20/2012
Posted: 01/02/2013 10:50:02
Is there an update to this issue?  I consistently have to restart AMM so that I can use other applications on my machine.
Mike Nelson
Posts: 26
Joined: 09/23/2011
Posted: 01/05/2013 19:38:53
Yeah, I've seen this same thing with AWM 7.4.1..
Posts: 9
Joined: 12/01/2012
Posted: 01/05/2013 20:47:33
I'm no longer seeing this issue with version 5.0.2.  I'll continue to monitor it and post again if that changes.  Thanks!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/15/2013 22:16:30
Hello gentlemen.

The issue most likely will be fixed in the next version.

Best regards.
Posts: 1
Joined: 01/23/2013
Posted: 01/23/2013 10:35:39
Hi there guys,

I'd just like to chip in here and say I too am noticing the same problem with ActualMultipleMonitorsShellCenter64.exe and it happens in both 5.0 and 5.0.2 versions.

As I type this message I have Task Manager open and I can see the memory usage climb at on average 300 - 400k a second, it seems to be climbing a lot quicker than the OP's memory leak.

Currently the memory usage is at around 4,265,000k, it's not an exact figure as I can't type quick enough to do so.  I have however just started to notice that as it hits around the 4,290,000k mark the memory usage drops back down to 4,190,000k or there abouts and starts all over again.

4gig of ram usage isn't an issue for me with 32gig installed but that is not the point, I have also noticed that the ActualMultipleMonitorsShellCenter64.exe process is around 75% of the time using cpu time (only 1%) but ActualMultipleMonitorsCenter.exe *32, ActualMultipleMonitorsCenter64.exe and ActualMultipleMonitorsShellConfig.exe *32 don't use any percentage at all.

Like the original poster I too am using Win 7 Ultimate 64bit (sp1)

*** My apologies guys, I didn't notice the page 2 of the thread, I did kind of wonder why there was no more info.  Do we have any idea of how long until we might see an update?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/24/2013 02:08:43

Thank you for the info.

As i stated before, this problem most likely will be fixed in the next version.

The next version will be released one of the next days.

Best regards.

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