[actualtools.com] New Versions and Product Price Increase Notification
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Hello, John Smith. Long time no see, eh? It was far long ago we had sent you our last newsletter issue. Probably, you may even conclude that Actual Tools got out of business. In such case, I have good news for you - we're alive and operational, continuing to develop and improve our well-known and well-proved software products. If you do not have the Auto-Update feature enabled then you'll probably be glad to know that our main line of products not long ago has been updated to the version 8.15 - introducing the support of Windows 11! The most recent update 8.15.2 has been released on November 13, 2024 - see below the new features and their comparison chart by products. Another news (that is probably not so good) is that at last we have to increase our product prices - see below for details.
Important Note! Before updating, please read carefully the Upgrade Policy Reminder.
Price IncreaseWe have been doing our best to keep our prices stable as long as possible but, unfortunately, everything comes to its end: there are too many changes have been happened since 2006, when our current prices had been established. So, to keep our development continuous, we will increase the prices for all products on January 25, 2025 - see the new values in the table below:
So, it's a last chance for you to upgrade your copy of Actual Tools software product by the old price - don't miss the moment! Back to top
Upgrade Policy ReminderIn short - our Upgrade Policy is subscription-based; follow the link for details. Also, here are some key points highlighted to prevent possible questions or misunderstanding:
To view your upgrade options and actual upgrade cost, please visit our Upgrade Center by clicking the Upgrade button. Also, below are the details on the entire upgrade process. Back to top
New Features
How to Upgrade
Yours sincerely,
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