[actualtools.com] New Versions and Product Price Increase Notification

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Actual Tools
Actual Tools

Hello, John Smith.

Long time no see, eh? It was far long ago we had sent you our last newsletter issue. Probably, you may even conclude that Actual Tools got out of business. In such case, I have good news for you - we're alive and operational, continuing to develop and improve our well-known and well-proved software products.

If you do not have the Auto-Update feature enabled then you'll probably be glad to know that our main line of products not long ago has been updated to the version 8.15 - introducing the support of Windows 11! The most recent update 8.15.2 has been released on November 13, 2024 - see below the new features and their comparison chart by products.

Another news (that is probably not so good) is that at last we have to increase our product prices - see below for details.


Important Note! Before updating, please read carefully the Upgrade Policy Reminder.


Issue contents:


Price Increase

We have been doing our best to keep our prices stable as long as possible but, unfortunately, everything comes to its end: there are too many changes have been happened since 2006, when our current prices had been established. So, to keep our development continuous, we will increase the prices for all products on January 25, 2025 - see the new values in the table below:
Product New Price
Actual File Folders 24.95
Actual Multiple Monitors 34.95
Actual Title Buttons 24.95
Actual Transparent Window 24.95
Actual Virtual Desktops 24.95
Actual Window Guard 39.95
Actual Window Manager 59.95
Actual Window Menu 24.95
Actual Window Minimizer 24.95
Actual Window Rollup 24.95

So, it's a last chance for you to upgrade your copy of Actual Tools software product by the old price - don't miss the moment!

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Upgrade Policy Reminder

In short - our Upgrade Policy is subscription-based; follow the link for details.

Also, here are some key points highlighted to prevent possible questions or misunderstanding:

  • The new Upgrade Policy does not force you to pay each year. When the subscription expires, the program remains registered and fully functional, so that if you don't need the latest updates then you can continue using the program as it is. And only when you see in the changelog something that worths paying then you can prolong your subscription; in other words, you can choose the moment of upgrade on your own.

  • Purchasing an upgrade does not come at full price.

    Important Note! To get a discounted upgrade price, you must use our Upgrade Center by following the steps described below.

  • We do not force our customers to upgrade necessarily. If you don't like/need the features of new versions then you can simply stay with the version you currently have.

To view your upgrade options and actual upgrade cost, please visit our Upgrade Center by clicking the Upgrade button. Also, below are the details on the entire upgrade process.

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New Features

  1. Windows 11 Compatibility

    The following components have been rectified and made compatible with Windows 11:

    • Multi-monitor Taskbar (some known issues still remain though)
    • Multi-monitor Alt-Tab Task Switcher
    • Tabbed Explorer
  2. DEP and ASLR Support

    Now all Actual Tools runtime executables natively support the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) and Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) security technologies provided by the system. Such support hardens the overall system security by preventing various exploit attacks.

  3. 64-bit Tabbed Explorer

    Tabbed Explorer finally runs as a native 64-bit app on 64-bit systems, providing all the platform benefits like speed, reliability, and security.

  4. Chromium-based Apps Compatibility

    The following components have been made compatible with apps built on the popular Chromuim open-source browser project (including Google Chrome itself and other well-known apps, like WhatsApp, Spotify, Slack, MS Teams, and many others):

  5. Comparison Chart

    Below is the comparison chart of new features implemented in each software. This chart shows only the most noticeable features; to view the full list of changes made in each product, click the product's icon.

    Feature Available in
    Windows 11 Compatibility + + + + + + + + + +
    DEP and ASLR Support + + + + + + + + + +
    64-bit Tabbed Explorer +
    Chromium-based Apps Compatibility + + + + + + + +
    Download Now!
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How to Upgrade

  1. Proceed with updating to a new version, either manually or automatically with the help of the Check for Updates window.
    How to Upgrade - Click the Update Now button in the Check for Updates window.

  2. Restart the program or wait until it restarts automatically.

  3. Close the popped up Evaluation Version dialog.

  4. Follow the instructions in our Upgrade Center web page that will open automatically in your default web browser. (Note: If the Upgrade Center page did not open then skip to the next step.)

  5. Open the Configuration window.
    How to Upgrade - Open the Configuration window.

  6. Go to the Tools - License panel and click the Upgrade button, then follow the instructions of our Upgrade Center. (Note: If there is no Upgrade button or it is greyed out then please refer to the upgrade table.)
    How to Upgrade - Go to the Tools-License and click the Upgrade button.

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Yours sincerely,

Alex Fadeyev
Actual Tools

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