Actual Tools Beta-Testing Section Is Opened!
Dear John Smith,
I'm glad to inform you that we have opened on continuing basis the Beta-Testing section on our site. Now it's needless to wait until the release of new version to test the most fresh features; everyone is able to test those features as soon as they were implemented, by downloading the recent beta versions of our software.
Currently we have released Actual Window Manager 4.2 beta 1. Checking this beta, you can finally test the long-awaited feature which allows 'Window caption' criterion to correctly detect windows which quickly change their captions at startup, like text editors (Notepad, Wordpad, MS Word), Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera) and other document-oriented applications. Also here is a short list of other interesting and noticeable improvementes:
- Grouping title button
Another long-awaited feature which allows to disable the seldom used extra buttons but keep their functions available. Now you can add the special 'button of unused buttons' which provides all the functions of currently unused extra title buttons via the context menu.
- Minimization by the Close button click
Many-times-requested feature which redefines the behavior of the standard Close button and minimizes a window instead of closing it. Using it in combination with the 'Minimize to' option allows to minimize any window to the system tray/on the screen by the Close button click.
- Temporary ghost mode cancellation with the hotkey
Now you can temporarily restore the previously ghosted window's mouse interactive ability by pressing the special hotkey and holding it down; as soon as you release this hotkey window will be ghosted back.
- Window placement restrictions
Now you can strictly but flexibly control the placement of your windows defining the allowed and unallowed areas on your desktop. For example, if you want to make the rightmost part of your desktop always visible you can enable the placement restrictions for the All Windows rule and define that any window's right border can't go further than, for example, 200 pixels from the right desktop border.
So we invite everyone to visit our Beta-Testing section. If you want to receive the notifications about the new beta releases and beta-tester contests then we recommend you to complete the small registration form and become the registered beta-tester. As the registered beta-tester you will also be able to post to our reopened Beta-Testing forum. Post there your bug reports and new feature suggestions, all your posts will be necessarily answered and considered. Many thanks in advance for your help!
Michael Tretyakov,
Actual Tools
Handy Tools for Windows! Make your day-to-day Windows activities easier and more productive!